Saturday, January 30, 2010

Inspiration (As If You or I Needed Anymore...)

I'm trying to wean myself from gathering hours and hours of sewing/knitting/crafting inspiration online (and therefore accomplishing very little actual sewing/knitting/crafting)...but I seriously got giddy when I saw this on the Anthropologie website today.  I never knew my dreamstyle had a name, but I think this it:  50's Proper Preppy Prim
How fun it would be to file court motions in these.  Now to sew!

On a related note...did you know that you can find free patterns to download at the BurdaStyle website?  I haven't tried any yet, but this skirt makes me want to!

I love that this girl made a dress from it!


  1. What fun styles! I can totally see you in all of those.

  2. Yay! Now we just need to challenge each other to sew : ] I'm excited for you to get your new pattern!
