
Eriander was a nickname my mom gave me as a child, along with a host of other names like Koonch, Kitten, Shasha and multiple variations thereof, none of which sounded as nice when it came to naming my Etsy shop a couple years back.  (Actually, my full nickname was Eriander Bombcrater, but that's a mouthful...not to mention a slightly menacing name for a mild-mannered knitter?)

This blog is actually a merger of 3 blogs I've written and finally decided to roll into one:

Mac and Me - A blog I started as a newlywed and recent Texas transplant in order to keep my family posted on our adventures.  But, my family didn't really read it and our grand adventures dissipated into daily life (as most adventures eventually do).

Knit 'n Play - A knitting blog that ended up being nothing about knitting and all about life in Montana and life inside my head

freelance poedry/poedry - my magnetic poetry

Eventually, all of the above sat on the shelf, because even though I kept writing every day, I couldn't figure out where it fit.  I decided maybe it doesn't have to.  I write for healing and sanity and fun.  So why not have a blog about that?

I'm in love with my family of 3: the wonderful husband I met in 4th grade and our sweet shelter pup, Miss Maya Joon. In addition to stringing words together, I also like to knit, crochet, sew clothes, take photos, find beauty in hidden places (and the obvious ones, too!), bake sweets, eat sweets...all (or mostly all) while watching old movies.

I believe we can worship God in all things big and tiny, the things we love and the things we don't (I'm still working on the latter).  Every day, He gathers and renews and redeems all the broken and scattered pieces of my heart and I am forever grateful to His love.