I recently realized something about myself: I am not very forthcoming with good news. It's strange. I'm not that shy about telling people my struggles, but I have the hardest time telling people about good stuff when it happens. It's almost as if I don't really believe it...or maybe I don't trust it. As if I think the good news is going to disappear once it's spoken outloud and I'll be standing around like an emperor without clothes. It often happens that, rather than being thankful and celebrating all I've been given, I live in fear that it won't last and I forecast depression on an otherwise pretty bright future. It's ridiculous, really.
I've been thinking about this because I've had a lot of people act surprised when they find out I have a job--a 'real' job, not seasonal retail or temp labor (though I'm thankful I had that when I did). It makes me sad I've been so tight-fisted with this information. So here I go...the law office I had been working for on a temporary basis has offered to keep me on indefinitely, and is training me to be a legal secretary/assistant. They have been really good to me--patient and kind and generous. And I actually enjoy my job...fancy that! Right now it's only part-time, so something will need to change, but...I don't know...deep down I feel like it's taken care of, and what's required of me is just to work well and be grateful.
God is so good to me, even when I can be an unthankful little brat (my words, not His). It feels refreshing to share good news with you. Speaking of good news, my husband and our music pastor are singing When Peace Like A River (It Is Well With My Soul) in the living room as I write. Talk about being thankful. The full story of that song is here, but it was written by a man who lost nearly everything...including 4 daughters in a sinking ship. I remember my dad singing this song in church and getting teary-eyed. I guess he was thinking of us. Yeah, I've got a lot to be thankful for.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
that is the BEST freaking news, Eri! They are so blessed to have YOU working for them :) Don't you dare balk at me saying that. LOVE YOU!
ReplyDeleteYay! I second what Katie wrote.
ReplyDeleteOk, not much to do with this post but I had to comment. I love your blog! Your photos are great and you are a superb writer! I just learned a TON about you but now feel bad for not trying to learn all this about you in real life...congrats on the job too!! I am very happy for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you, ladies! You are all so sweet. Elizabeth, don't feel bad--I just relate better through writing sometimes. I think a lot of this stuff would come as a surprise even to the people who have known me forever : ] Thank you for the compliments--that means a lot!