Friday, May 27, 2005

Countdown to a Normal Life

I'm heading in for my last weekend shift at work. Hooray! I've been promoted...sort of.

A few celebratory Bad Libs before I hit the road...

Lost and Found

LOST: A solid-gold tinker toy with a tragically carved wooden devastation hanging from it. Reward of 50 Peeps for the return of this dusty heirloom.

Instructions for the Baby Sitter

The baby gets his warm spittle around six o'clock. If the baby starts to stutter in his deep voice, be sure to change his diaper before you put him back in his buttpatter. If you have any winsome questions or fragile problems, please page us on our male ego. Good luck!

Happy Weekend, All! I know I'm pumped!


  1. hey you! Guess what! August 24th, 2005, in the Rose Quarter, close to where I'll hopefully have my new apartment the American Idols are performing LIVE! check it out!

  2. Noice! So what size "I HEART ANWAR" t-shirt would you like me to make for YOU? Heh. Heh.

  3. hey ed, thank you so much for keeping on my site. i do appreciate it. much love sister in Christ. thank you for being out there where people can see your transparent life. a life that loves the Lord, but has a good time doing it.

