Friday, April 29, 2005

May Day

It's weird to think that as I go to work tonight, it's April, but when I get off it will be May. So, happy May Day everyone! I wish I could put flowers on all your doorsteps, ring your doorbells and run away. I guess I'll have to post this picture instead.

Tot bought me these flowers 2 weeks ago and they're still hangin' on! Crazy!


  1. Wait...did I totally just make that holiday up? It's not on the calendar. Hmm...neither is April Fools Day. Well, either I'm going nuts or those calendar folks are just holiday snobs.

  2. I think you have some how made an association with the desperate call of "May day may day! we have a problem" with the fact that it is May today :) Boy! I can't believe those flowers have hung on so well! Got my money's worth!
